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Inspired by the atmosphere of OGATA Paris, an earthy scent with woody notes evoked by hinoki Japanese cypress and sandalwood.

The YOKA series is the most simple form of fragrance: they may be appreciated as they are, without burning or the application of heat. Natural ingredients are ground with a yagen, traditional Japanese mortar, releasing a soft, yet persistent fragrance.

The characteristics of the fragrance is determined by a sophisticated composition, mixing classic elements of the Japanese fragrance culture with ingredients from all over the world, creating a unique blend reflecting an aesthetic relevant to our contemporary epoch. The fragrance is appreciated as is, placed on a dedicated vessel to perfume a room or in a small sachet worn on one’s person on a daily basis. Its scent evolves with time, until it fades progressively, then to be replaced. Made from natural ingredients, the fragrance is also compostable.

10 sachets of your preffered scent neatly stored in a Japanese paper box, with a linen pouch The box can be used with two different heights to be used as a stand to place in a room to difuse the fragrance. Each paper sachet can be used in multiple ways: placing into a cupboard, bag or pocket as is, or inserting into the linen pouch to carry around. To perfume a room, tear open the sachet and empty the contents into a bowl or plate.

Regular price €135,00
Regular price Sale price €135,00
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